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Energetic Blueprint of Well-Being
Deep within the human body is an ellipse of energy filled with or made up of white light. There are other layers of colour that surround the white ellipse similar to layers of an onion. These colors carry a special code or vibrational resonance that helps us sustain a healthy and productive body. Each layer works in harmony with and is partially linked to the other colours.
Energetic Blueprint of a Cell
A single cell is a microcosmic blueprint pattern of the body and contains the same 12 rings of color the body requires. Just as every fragment of a hologram contains a picture of the whole, each cell contains the same vibrational pattern as the whole body.
Activate your blueprint of well-being
Activating the colours of well-being can greatly optimize your well-being and even your health. Within our energy system we hold frequencies ~ vibrations of light. When we consciously activate these frequencies of light within us, we notice that our entire energy field harmonizes and calibrates to its natural state of balance.
Visualize the following colours running through your physical body, all the way into your Auric field, expanding this light with each breath:
- White light
- Violet
- Indigo blue
- Copper
- Silver
- Gold
- Yellow
- Emerald green
- Cyan
- Marine blue
- Magenta
- Mother of Pearl
The six inner layers: governors of the function and maintenance of the body
White: The inner center
White represents the life-force energy. if there is no white, there is no life. White restores the cells in conjunction with the other colours.
Violet carries the part of your being called spirit. Its colour is vibrationally tuned to help you recognize and develop intuition. Your intuition is the communicative link to the source of all life.
This colour (or resonance) facilitates communication between the spirit and the body via the sense: sight, touch, hearing, smell, and taste. Indigo teaches inner awareness of the physical body and it also allows a deeper communication with your intuitive self: inner-hearing, inner-sight, inner-knowledge, etc. It is the link between physical and spiritual realms, and helps you use your inner wisdom to interpret information.
Metallic Copper:
Copper governs the neurological and cardiovascular systems within your body.
Metallic Silver:
Silver governs bones, teeth, tendons, muscles, cartilage, and nails.
Metallic Gold:
Gold is the last of these special vibratory rays, and it governs, the functions of all the organs, glands, soft tissues, skin, hair, eyes, etc.
The six outer layers: governors of personal empowerment
Mustard yellow is the seventh layer of colour and it is also the first layer of energy that surrounds the body. Yellow holds the vibration of internal alignment with that which brings you the deepest sense of well-being, i.e. the stat in which your actions align with your highest ideals. Some call it spiritual integrity, which includes your free will and your openness to allow. Yellow helps maintain the desire to live.
Emerald Green:
Emerald green supports the emotional body in matters of: self-love, self-worth, and self-esteem. It also helps to heal emotional wounds.
Blue-Green or Cyan:
Cyan helps you speak your deepest truth. It aligns your thoughts with your heart or your emotional self, and supports integrity.
This particular blue is deep, rich, sky blue or sapphire blue. It vibrates harmonically with creative thinking: your ideas, your “aha-s”, your spontaneity. It is the link between the brain and the mind.
Magenta contains the wisdom and compassion that encompasses love. It is not limited to romantic love or familial love, but it is love as a universal expression. This type of love exists simply because it is our essential nature. It exists because you exist, whether you experience it directly or not.
This iridescent colour (similar to an abalone shell) is equivalent to the protective blanket that you would wrap a newborn in. This colour is the outermost field of the body and it is in direct communication with the core of your being (the white life-force energy). This field is a protective field for your body. When is resonates fully, it protects and assists your body’s return to harmony after a sunburn rather than leaving it vulnerable to additional damage, or if you come into contact with a vibrationally-challenging environment, you are not pushed out of balance.
We restore these 12 colours for optimum health by practicing the 12-colour meditation.
[Resource; Quantum-Touch Supercharging Advanced Techniques]